How to create triggers in LogicWorks for Windows.
Author Archives: NeilMackenzie
Building a four input “AND” gate out of 3 two input “AND” gates. Demonstrates how to create a subcircuit.
Creating a RAM device in LogicWorks for Windows.
In this video we create a four input “AND” gate out of three 2 input “AND” gates. This video will be useful for both LogicWorks and DesignWorks(does not simulate) users. It is done on LogicWorks for Windows but the process is very similar in the Mac version.
Bob Rau has a DesignWorks tip page where he shares scripts and other useful tools.
MacSpice Version 3.1.2 is now available from
LogicWorks can be used to build the circuit and submit it to MacSpice. Please see the MacSpice example circuit that comes with LogicWorks.
This section of the tutorial will provide you with a closer look at the integrated digital simulator in LogicWorks.
- Controlling the simulation
- Representation of time and signal values
- Using the trigger
- Using the signal probe
The object of this tutorial is to take a closer look at LogicWorks’ schematic editing features. We will do this by making a number of modifications to the circuit file created in the 5-Minute demonstration.
Topics covered in this section:
- Deleting and moving objects
- Selecting device types by name
- Device symbol rotation
- Using power and ground connectors
- Connecting signals by name
- Using Copy and Paste on circuit objects
- Naming devices
- Adding pin numbers to devices
- Placing text notations on the diagram
In this video we’re going to show you how quickly you can create and test a circuit using LogicWorks.
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